UKFSS Documentation
1. Introduction
2. MacLaren West Contact Information (Support)
3. Technical Details
4. Application configuration options
5. Setting up The Food Surveillance System (UKFSS Desktop)
UKFSS Documentation
UKFSS Desktop Configuration Guide
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UKFSS Desktop Configuration Guide
1. Introduction
2. MacLaren West Contact Information (Support)
3. Technical Details
3.1. Hardware
3.2. Software
3.3. Connectivity
4. Application configuration options
4.1. Enabling proxy login details
4.2. Local data storage location
4.3. Update UKFSS Desktop to use HTTPS
5. Setting up The Food Surveillance System (UKFSS Desktop)
5.1. Starting UKFSS Desktop
5.2. Data Sync
5.3. System Setup
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Importing Food and Animal Feed Premises